Dino Grab / Dino Tome Questions and Answers

Please send your questions about rules or the game to
K e n @ D i n o D u d e s . c o m

Dino Grab cover art
The cover art for the pilot production run used this beautiful massospondylus.
Tery drew it at a unique angle and gave it a chin-wattle.

Q: What is Dino Grab?
A: It is a card game for 2-6 players. It is a nice little dinosaur game with good artwork.

Q: What is Dino Tome?
A: The game is bilingual. Dino Tome is Spanish for Dino Grab.

Q: Are there any variations or optional rules?
A: Yes, Double Decker Dino Grab. Shuffle two decks together and then play. It plays a little differently now. The Tyrannosaurus only breaks ties when one of the players tied for the most sets has one. Up to 12 people can play, but the game bogs down a little with more than 8 people.

Q: When will Dino Grab ship?
A: We have already shipped a small alpha print run ourselves. We will ultimately license the game, and will soon begin entertaining offers.

Q: Who wrote the rules?
A: Ken Young. He specializes in clean, simple, easy-to-understand rules.

Q: Who did all those dinosaurs?
A: Tery Karvonen designed sketched all the dinosaurs. She is incredible at drawing people and animals. Angela Young designed most of the color schemes and executed them in mixed media. She is incredible at bold colors and visual design. And you know how little bitty women with little bitty hands can have excellent brush control. We were fortunate to have access to artists of Angela & Tery's caliber.

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Artwork for this page by Angela Young & Tery Karvonen

Copyright Ken Young, 2018. All rights reserved